About tours

Come and join a guided tour of the former blast furnace complex, where you will learn about the history of Lower Vitkovice and pig iron production. During the tour, you will ride to a height of nearly 36 meters, then go up the stairs (90 stairs) to Bolt Tower. On the tower, you can enjoy 30 minutes of free time and enjoy the views (a visit to the Bolt Café is NOT part of the guided tour). If the weather is permitting, the excursion continues by coming down by stairs (370 steps). On the tour, you will get a look inside the blast furnace itself, the casting platform, and the control room – all included in the guided tour of Blast Furnace No. 1.

For foreign visitors, we have prepared an audio guide (MP3) for the tour. The audio guide is available in English, German, and Polish. The audio guide borrowing is free of charge.

If you make a reservation in advance for a group of 10 or more people it is possible to arrange a foreign-speaking guide. The guides are possible in English, German, Polish, or Russian.

The Guide Service of Dolní Vítkovice reserves the right to modify the tour route according to the current weather conditions in order to ensure the safety of visitors.

Reservation for the guided tours and for a visit to Bolt Café is required. Reservation must be made no later than 10 minutes before the tour starts.

The reception of the Blast Furnace No. 1. and the start of the guided tours have been moved to the Gong. A map is available here.

1 Blast-furnace tour, including the Bolt Tower

A 100-minute guided tour round the blast furnace about the history of Vítkovice and the production of pig iron (30-minute break at the Bolt Tower halfway through the tour).

100 minutes
Tour time

Adults Concession (1) Family ticket (2) ZTP/P (3) School groups (4)
A - Blast-furnace tour,
including the Bolt Tower
280 CZK 210 CZK 760 CZK 210 CZK 160 CZK

Tickets can be paid by credit card.

2 Bolt Café

A visit to the Bolt Tower with a prepaid food voucher for the Bolt Café. Make your reservation online via our booking system. If there are free spots left, it is possible to book the visit on the day by calling +420 725 992 124 (phone line available 10.00-18.00).

Online or phone reservations can only be made for groups of up to 6 people. In case you want to visit with a group of more than 6 people, contact us via email at gong@dolnivitkovice.cz.

Adults Concession (1) Family ticket (2) ZTP/P (3) School groups (4)
Bolt Café (8) 300 CZK 300 CZK X 300 CZK X

Tickets can be paid by credit card.


Join us on our new tour route called KOX. The tour will introduce you to a short history of coal mining in the Ostrava region, and the process of carbonization in coke ovens. You can peek into the coal service control room, and experience the functioning of coke oven batteries with the help of AR. The tour takes 100 minutes.

100 minuts
Tour time

Adults Concession (1) Family ticket (2) ZTP/P (3) School groups (4)
KOX 150 CZK 100 CZK 390 CZK 100 CZK X


(1) Děti 6–15 let, studenti 15–26 let, ISIC, senioři 65+, ZTP.t.

(2) 2 dospělí a max. 3 děti do 15 let.

(3) Doprovod držitele průkazu ZTP/P vstup zdarma (max. 1 osoba) – pouze výjezd, bez konzumace.

(4) Školní exkurze (MŠ a ZŠ) na každých 15 dětí 1 pedagogický doprovod zdarma.

(5) – Uhelný okruh je vypravován od 1.4. do 31.10.

(6) – 2*100 minut – Kombinovaný okruh je vypravován od 1.4. do 31.10.

(7) – Prohlídky Projekt DOV každou neděli v 11:00 hodin, organizované skupiny po předchozí rezervaci i mimo tento termín.

(8) – V ceně zahrnuta konzumace v kavárně v hodnotě 150 Kč.

  • Návštěvnický servis Dolní Vítkovice si vyhrazuje právo na okamžitou úpravu prohlídkové trasy dle aktuálních klimatických podmínek s ohledem na zajištění maximální bezpečnosti návštěvníků.
  • Vstup zdarma pro max. 3 děti do 6 let v doprovodu min. 1 platící dospělé osoby.
  • Děti do 15 let pouze s doprovodem osoby starší 18 let.
  • Poukázky Sodexo Flexi Pass nepřijímáme.
  • Poskytnuté slevy se nesčítají.
  • Ceník platný od 1. 2. 2024.